

My Digital art process starts with physical drawing and painting - using abstract elemental shapes that might be found in our natural environment. I then like to use and contrast 3D digital forms in the work. My work is particularly focused in the place where more traditional and progressive forms of art can meet and intersect.

In terms of concept these works explore moments of time, how time and art making processes interact with each other and disappear into each other. I am also interested in how art making process can resemble everyday processes that go on all around us.

Forest Raindrops

Digital Image

File type: Tiff
Dimensions: 5973 × 4725
Process: the original background to this piece was painted in watercolor. I then used 3D digital art techniques to create the blue raindrops.

available for purchase with Ethereum on


Immersion, 16 sec video, loops, file mp4 (please note original is in HD 1920 x 1080)